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Under the Acacias cotpl-4 Page 4


  A few evenings later Uzuri was meeting with the pride sisters to discuss the approach for the night’s hunt.

  “Tonight we’ll come into the Southern meadow. There is a group of Tommies down there and if we move fast, they’ll still be there if those hyenas will shut up and keep out of our way.”

  “How will we approach them?” Ajenti asked.

  “We’ll use the double blind method. You take the right side with Yolanda and Isha will come with me on the left while Fini leads the rest of you around through the wadi to wait for the signal.

  “Sarafina is sick,” Ajenti said. “Remember?”

  “Okay. Then Yolanda can lead that group.”

  “And who will that leave on the right with Isha?”

  She struggled to concentrate. “Oh, Beesa can do it. I don’t care. Let’s just do this thing before the darned gazelles go home, OK?”

  Uzuri paced away nervously. She was in her season, a time in her life that could make her feel very special or very alone.

  She sat down and sighed deeply. Rafiki was confined to the baobab or she would have asked his advice on what to do. Maybe he had some kind of herb to find her lost powers of concentration and dull the empty feeling inside of her. The temptation to push past the guards and plead for help was great.

  Still she could not risk two visits in such a short time--it might arouse suspicion. She sighed deeply again.

  Then she remembered who she could turn to for advice. Ugas was just across the Western Border. She had not accepted his invitation to come back, but this would be the time. He would dispense more of his fatherly advice and compassion.

  “Beesa, I don’t feel good. You lead this hunt the way we’ve planned, OK?”

  “Sure, hon.” She drew close and whispered, “You got yourself a Honey Tree out in the bushes?”

  “Beesa, you should be ashamed!” She added in a whisper, “Girl, I wish!”

  “There’s been a rogue male sighted to the south. Maybe you two will hit it off.”

  “Beesa!” Uzuri groomed one of her paws nervously. “I’m not selling myself to the highest bidder. Still, thank you.”

  Her remark was casual, but her inner turmoil was great. A lioness’ natural drives are as strong as a lion’s. Aiheu did not make them to rebel against the natural order of things, so she found herself at odds with her own body, a conflict that left her no place to run.

  Making sure no hyenas followed her, she went to the east and finally slipped into the neighboring territory. “Ugas? Are you out there?” There was no answer and she realized just how disappointed she was. “Ugas??”

  “Uzuri!” a rich voice said at last. The lion hurried over, his face beaming. “I’ve waited for you. I thought you’d forgotten me.”

  “I see you haven’t forgotten me,” Uzuri said. “Thanks.”

  “You’re unforgettable,” Ugas said. “I enjoyed our talk, but I’d like to get to know you a lot better. Can you stay a little longer?”

  She bowed her head. “You said if I had a problem I could come to you. Does the offer still stand? Can I tell you anything?”

  “Anything at all, my dear. I’m so glad you came back--I’ve been really worried about you.”

  “I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t hunt with those hyenas- -well most of them. Some of them aren’t half bad, but that Pipkah-- ugh!! And their Incosi is a she-devil!!”

  “You didn’t come here to talk about hyenas.”

  “You’re very perceptive for a male.”

  He laughed. “It doesn’t take much perception to tell what’s bothering you.”

  She cleared her throat self-consciously. “Well, uh, yes. Ugas, I’m so alone and confused!”

  Ugas smiled sweetly. “Uzuri, you’re not alone now. And perhaps you’re not as much confused as you are frightened.”

  “Frightened of what?”

  “Frightened of this.” Ugas drew close and touched her cheek with his nose, then kissed her lightly. “Simple closeness. Letting your feelings show. Do you have a consort?”

  Uzuri looked at him timidly. “No. Why?”

  “Because all I could think about for the last moon was your beautiful, sad face. I wanted to kiss away your tears forever.” He nuzzled her, and though surprised, she did not pull away. “I’ve never seen your smile. I bet it’s beautiful.”

  “You’re toying with me.”

  “I’m too old for subterfuge and subtle gestures. Now let’s see that smile. Think of something happy. Like maybe fresh antelope.” He looked into her eyes deeply. “Not good enough? Then imagine the look on Taka’s face if he caught us making passionate love behind Pride Rock!”

  She tried to look away before the smile covered her face. Hiding behind a paw, she felt like slinking away, but he looked around her camouflage and said, “Oh, it IS a pretty smile. You should do it more often.”

  “You’re terrible!”

  “I know. Quite wicked. And if you can pardon me for dreaming out loud, I really would like to make passionate love to you. You make me tremble.”

  Uzuri shoved him with a paw. “You aren’t serious!”

  Ugas looked at her pleadingly. “I was never more serious. When you get to be my age, you see more and more yesterdays behind you and fewer and fewer tomorrows ahead.” He sighed. “I have no son to inherit my kingdom. I was almost desperate enough to form a loveless union, and then you came. Uzuri, I could love you. I could love you with my whole heart, my whole being. You’ve awakened feelings in me that I thought were dead. Am I selfish to want both a son and a little happiness before the sun sets on my life?” He waited a while for her reaction, but she stood unmoving, staring at him.

  He bowed his head. “I’m sorry. I still feel like the same young lion inside, before the evening aches and pains settle in. Sometimes I forget that I’m just an old fool.”

  “Ugas, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean....”

  “No need to apologize. Why would you want a broken-down has-been like me when you’re so young and beautiful? I wasn’t always old. There was a time when I might have lured you away from that lonely lifestyle and made you happy. Please tell no one you saw me this way out of respect for the Ugas that once was.”

  He turned and trudged away, his tail hanging limply and a distinct slump to his face and ears.

  “Ugas, wait!”

  He turned and looked at her, tears in his eyes.

  “Only if you will pledge to me,” she said.

  “And tie you down to an old carcass? How long could I make you happy?”

  “However long it would be is that much more than nothing. And I could give you sons.”

  “You just pity me. I shouldn’t have begged you. Maybe it’s better that I go now before you do something out of pity that we’ll both regret.” He turned and trudged away again.

  “I don’t pity you, Ugas. I want to give you a son. My world is slowly crumbling around me--I need your love. Come back and I’ll prove it to you. You’re a dear, sweet creature and I’ve been thinking about you since we met--all the time.”

  He stopped and looked back. He straightened to full height and looked like a real lion again. “Please Uzuri, I have feelings. Don’t say that unless you really mean it.”

  “I never say what I don’t mean.”

  Trembling, he stalked over to her, his gaze locked into hers, and he held out his left paw to touch her shoulder. “Before I lose my nerve, I’m going to say it!” He drew in a breath, let it out in a sigh, then said, “Before the gods, before the stars, before the assembled host I swear to give you my protection, my life, and my comfort forever."

  She purred and nuzzled him. "Till the last beat of my heart, to the last breath I sigh, our lives are one, so help me gods."

  He took his large paw and fondled her cheek. “I’ve only seen you twice. Once for an evening. And once more for the rest of my life. Bless you, Uzuri! You’ll never be lonely again, and you’ll never feel regret or hopeles
sness again. Come, let me show you around your new home!”

  “My new home?” Her smile dropped. “This is foolish. I can’t be your queen! I have responsibilities and family. They need me!”

  “Uzuri! Oh gods, what are you saying?”

  “I’m sorry, Ugas. Our vows have not been sealed, and it’s best that I leave now.”

  “No, you just can’t!” He ran in front of her and stared at her with wide eyes. “Please, Uzuri! Beloved! Can’t you at least stay with me as you can get away? I want you by my side always, but if you can only visit, don’t renounce our pledge! I’ll always be here when you need me. I didn’t want to beg before, but I’m begging you! Uzuri, I’m begging you!”

  “Ugas, please don’t!”

  Tears began to stream down his face. “If you leave me now, never come back. You remind me of too many things I’ve lost--youth, beauty, hope.”

  “Ugas, don’t cry!”

  “Why shouldn’t I?? If it bothers you, go tend to your responsibilities and you won’t have to watch.”

  “Fine.” She turned around, her nose slightly lifted and began to trot away. But after a few steps, her head lowered and her ears drew back. A tear ran down her cheek. “What am I doing??”

  She whipped about and ran to the old lion, nuzzling him desperately. “Forgive me, darling! Forgive me!”

  Ugas nuzzled her face, then rubbed against her neck, walking slowly along her and letting his tail stroke her under her chin. “Since you stumbled into my life, you’re all I think about. You’re the first thing I want to see in the morning, and the last thing I want to see at night. I want to fill my senses with you!”

  She sighed deeply. “I’ve never felt this way before.”

  “I thought I’d lost you, but when you came back, I knew it was our destiny to be together.”

  “If it is our destiny, then it must be so.” She nuzzled him passionately and purred. “Ugas, make love to me.”


  The morning sun painted Pride Kopje with golden optimism. Uzuri missed the shelter of her old cave, but she delighted in the feel of Ugas’ mane and felt very safe with his strong arm around her. Still, it was time to go, and she gently and quietly worked her way free of her lover’s embrace and got to her feet without waking him. For three days she had craved his closeness and whispered a thousand loving names in his ear. For three days her grief and loneliness had been lost in his love. But the light of dawn was revealing more to her than the savanna. She could see clearly that her sisters would miss her, and they were suffering for lack of her leadership.

  She considered waking him to whisper farewell, but thought better of it and silently trudged away.

  Ugas felt cold, and opened one eye. “Uzuri! Are you leaving without saying good bye?”

  She looked around. “Ugas, beloved, you looked like a sweet little cub lying there. I didn’t want to remember you sad. But even the best dream has to end, and it’s time for me to go.”

  He stood quickly. “But you’re taking my heart with you! When it crosses that boundary, it will cease to beat! Uzuri, have you learned nothing in these whole three days? Nothing at all?”

  “I must head home--there are others counting on me. But someday when things are better for my pride, I will come back to stay. Till then, remember what you agreed to--when I have to leave I will leave. You agreed, remember?”

  “I remember, but....”

  “But I’ll be back, love, and we’ll take up where we left off.”

  “Please hurry. I’m not getting any younger.”

  “None of us are, Ugas.” She ran back and nuzzled him. “Don’t worry if your heart leaves with me--I’ve left mine with you. It will always be with you, wherever I go.”


  Ugas’ love had taken on life within her. Uzuri was both proud and worried. For a while she could conceal her pregnancy, but as days turned into weeks, the other lionesses began to talk behind her back that she had the light in her eyes.

  Finally when the changes in her weight and balance began to affect her hunting, there was no need to pretend any longer. Her sister Sarafina was chosen to confront her because of her own daughter Nala. No one would dare imagine that Taka was the father of Nala, nor would they speculate about Uzuri and Taka--it was just too awful to think about!

  Sarafina thought of a dozen different approaches and discarded them one by one. Finally, she saw her sister alone and had worked up the nerve.

  Nuzzling Uzuri gently, Sarafina purred, “I’m so happy for you, Sis.”

  “About what?” Uzuri said tensely. “Have you heard some good news that I don’t know about?”

  Fini laughed gently and kissed her. “No, Sis! I don’t see how you couldn’t know about it. There’s a miracle happening inside of you.”

  Uzuri did not speak. Sarafina squirmed in the tenseness of the moment. “Look, Sis,” she said at last, “you have a heart full of love. I know how fond you were of Nala, and how you liked to groom her and play with her. And I used to pray that you’d fall in love and have children of your own. Let me be the Aunt that spoils the kids. Confide in me, Sis. Please? Don’t shut me out of this part of your life--I didn’t shut you out.”

  Uzuri looked down shyly. “How many times did you practice that speech?”

  “A dozen times at least. Only because I love you so much. Hon, you don’t ever have to be alone, not as long as I’m around.”

  Uzuri drew close and in a near whisper said, “Pray that at least one is a male.”

  “I guess so--but I thought you’d want all daughters. You know that sons are a heartbreak when they have to leave. Unless you’re a queen, anyhow.”

  “And who says I’m not a queen?” Uzuri smiled.

  “Oh my gods! Not--HIM??”

  Uzuri thought for a moment, then burst out laughing. “You mean Old Droopy Drawers! Shame on you for even thinking it!”

  Sarafina breathed a relieved sigh. “You had me worried, girl! If you’re a queen, then that time you were gone for three weren’t really sick!”

  “I was in season and left for three days. Now I’m pregnant.” Uzuri glanced at her out of half-closed eyes. “You know, with your ability you should have been hunt mistress instead of me!”

  “Now, Sis! Spare me the sarcasm and tell me all the details!”

  “Well all the details is a bit much--right now anyway--but he’s a king and yes we’re married. He’s a little older but he could charm the thorns off an acacia. He’s sweet and gentle and....” She drew close to Sarafina’s ear and added, “....remarkably entertaining!”

  “Oh you little devil!” Sarafina said with a squeal of delighted approval. “Does he have a brother?”

  “Don’t you WISH!” Uzuri purred, examining her claws and meeting Sarafina in a sly sidelong glance. “When the time is right, our son will go meet him and take his place as prince. Then he’ll be king someday. Of course that can be postponed indefinitely--I’m having too much fun. Besides, I love him. He’s just like a lonely cub. When you see him, you want to protect him and make him feel happy.”

  “I’m so glad for you, Sis! But you’re not going to leave us, are you?”

  Uzuri’s pained expression left no doubt how she felt. “When things get better. But right now I’m not going to leave you in the lurch.”

  “I love you, Sis. I might just come with you. Little Nala too.”

  “Fini,” Uzuri purred, nuzzling her. “My happiness would be complete. But tell me about your mane event.”

  “He’s a rogue lion. I don’t want to say too much right now, but we’ve seen each other as often as possible. He’s a little older too, but very sexy. I don’t know what’s best--youthful enthusiasm or the wisdom of age....”

  Uzuri giggled. “NOW who’s the little devil!”


  All of the other lionesses plagued Sarafina for details. The only thing she would say is, “She has a husband.”

/>   Uzuri’s condition was evident to Taka, and he watched her progressing pregnancy with dread. He was afraid the lionesses would abandon him and leave him to feed all those hyenas himself. And when it was only him and his wife, he knew chances were good to excellent that they would hunt lions.

  Elanna was no less distraught, but for different reasons; she feared that Taka was being unfaithful. This suspicion, never voiced aloud, still hovered between them like a Makei until the birth of Uzuri’s cubs. Elanna went to see Uzuri and Sarafina, and she cooed and fondled the cubs with undisguised delight. They were not at all like her husband, something she secretly thanked Aiheu for as she kissed Uzuri on the cheek. “I hope you’ve found your true love,” she said discretely. “I know I have.”

  Uzuri, who was not entirely blind said, “Their father loves me the way Taka loves you--completely. He will be pleased to know he has a son.”

  “Two sons,” Elanna said.

  “Togo and Kombi.”

  “I wish you’d had a daughter. It’s going to be hard when their mantlement comes.”

  Uzuri looked at her intently. “Can I trust you?”

  Sarafina shook her head ever so slightly in disapproval, but Uzuri either did not see it or did not care. “They have a future. Not here, but they do have one. But tell no one--it’s our little secret.”

  “Not even my husband?” Elanna said.

  “Especially not your husband,” Uzuri said. Then realizing how it might sound, she quickly added, “He’d give anything for a son. I don’t want to rub it in--you know how melancholy he gets. And Lannie, this must be hard on you too. I’m so sorry.”

  Elanna nodded. “As long as I have my Taka, I can get by.” She was on the verge of tears. “I can understand how some people might dislike him. I know there are a few that wish to harm him. Love hasn’t turned me into a complete fool. But Uzuri, there are times when we are alone when he can be beautiful and gentle and witty and so full of love. Under all that fear and rage, there’s a little cub that just wants to feel safe and loved. And no matter what he ever does or ever becomes, my destiny is to love him and protect him from all the hate in the world. They all think I’m crazy to feel that way about him. You don’t think I’m crazy, do you?”