Chronicles of the Pride Lands cotpl-1 Read online

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  Before he knew what was happening, Shaka was surrounded by hyenas on all sides. They seemed to materialize from the dust and emerge from the skulls and caves.

  “Let him go! ” said Amarakh, the ruling Roh’mach. “You are trespassing on our lands. You are holding one of my people.”

  “He’s a murderer! ” Shaka narrowed his eyes at her. “He killed my wife in cold blood, and he was on my land! She had two cubs, Amarakh. Two cubs that won’t have a mother coming home tonight! She was alive when they ripped her! Alive! ”

  “I will investigate it. I know him. He’s a trouble maker anyhow, and you can be sure I will punish him if he’s guilty.”

  “IF??” Shaka looked down at the trapped hyena. “I saw him over her body. Zazu saw the kill. You tell her. TELL HER, VERMIN! ”

  The trapped hyena squeeled in fear. “Somebody help me! ”

  “You can’t extract a confession to a murder by death threats.” Amarakh glared back. “This is my land, and I give you my word we will investigate within the customs of our law. But you must let him go. Leave—now! ”

  “I do not believe you.”

  “You are not in a position to negotiate, ” Amarakh said. “Leave at once. I will see your brother the King tonight. We will talk.”

  “You are right, ” he said. “You are absolutely right. I am NOT in a position to negotiate.” Shaka looked up at the sky. “Aiheu abamami! ” he cried in his deep grief. Then he quickly dropped his head and bit with tremendous force, snapping the hyena’s neck and almost severing his head. The body twitched spasmotically before collapsing with eyes staring sightlessly into space. A deep gasp whispered through the assembled throng. Then with bitter rage, the crowd closed in on Shaka.


  Sarabi and Elanna were playing with Mufasa and Taka. But eventually they began to wonder when their mom and dad were coming back. Ahadi began to wonder too, for it was getting late in the day. “Did they dump the kids on us and take a vacation?” Akase was only joking, but she was genuinely worried.

  Zazu came in for his report. “Sire, Khemoki of the Zebra’ha is certain that....”

  “Wait on that. I need to know where Shaka and Avina are. Have you seen them?”

  “Well, Sire, Shaka went to chase off some hyenas. They’d made a kill in the eastern meadow, and I sent him off right away.”

  “How long ago?”

  “Oh, about two hours ago. Maybe three.”

  “Two or three hours??”

  “Well, Sire, I could be wrong.”

  “Where is Avina??”

  “I don’t know. She was going to go hunting in the eastern meadow and....” Zazu stopped. “Oh my lord! That’s where the kill was, and....”

  “You must show me the place.” Ahadi shouted, “Sarafina, Uzuri, Isha!! Come quickly!! ”

  Fearing what he might find, Zazu led the four of them out into the eastern meadow and straight to the place where he saw the carcass. Even from the air, he could recognize the golden color of the pelt. He dropped to the ground and shuddered.

  Ahadi stalked up to the body—what was left of it—and glanced at the face. “Oh God, Avina!! ” He turned away and wretched in the grass. A few awful moments went by where not a word was said. Then trying to regain his composure, Ahadi let Uzuri take a look at the body. Uzuri trembled, but she was still able to make her observations. “Her face was....” She shuddered. “There is a kick wound. From a large hoofed animal, no doubt. But there is a trail of blood leading back that way. She wandered here.”

  Uzuri followed the trail for some distance, noting with horror the hyena tracks. “The hyenas got to her while she was still alive. Dear God, the evil scum ate her alive! ”

  She trotted back to the body, then followed the tracks away toward the elephant graveyard. “It’s Shaka—I can still scent him. He chased them this way.”

  The party of lions headed down the weak but definite trail until they reached the boundaries of the elephant graveyard. Waiting for them there was a large group of hyenas, and in front was Amarakh.

  The lions came in as a group, showing fangs, and daring anyone to bother them. Ahadi demanded, “Where is Shaka?”

  “What is left of him is removed to the place of the dead.” Amarakh scowled. “He took the law into his own teeth and killed one of ours on our own land without a trial. We offered to hold an inquest, a fair trial by the law of our people. But he turned us down and killed a male whose wife is pregnant.”

  “So you murdered him! ”

  “We EXECUTED him. We couldn’t wait for him to kill others. He was too dangerous to place under arrest.”

  “There is no doubt he was dangerous after his wife was ripped alive. We have seen the evidence.”

  “We had not, Sire. We could not be sure, and we could not wait to be sure.”

  “Here is the dead male’s wife, ” Amarakh said, motioning for Fabana to be brought forward. One of her eyes had been clawed out and healed with a brutal scar. She cowered before the mighty King.

  “If you would have revenge, ” Amarakh said, “let all the people see that you fight honorably with her, one on one. Let them see that you have given her the FAIR chance to defend the honor of her family.”

  The quaking hyena female stammered, “Mercy! Have mercy! I am with child! ”

  Ahadi looked at her with some pity. “Now you know what it feels like to lose someone you love. The Roh’mach is courting death to toy with my sympathies like this, but she has won this round. You will not be harmed.”

  But Ahadi looked sternly at Amarakh. “Because your people have killed my brother, and because his wife was basely murdered, you are Corban. No more shall you scavenge on the Pride Lands. Not until the last of the group that killed Avina is dead.”

  “But my Lord, we will all starve! ”

  “Perhaps a few hungry nights will motivate you to enforce your own laws, Amarakh. Besides, this is not such a bad spot to scavenge. You never know when an elephant might want to die.”

  She held up her head and stared back. “You mock me because you are powerful, and I am but a hyena. But the gods know I must be fair to my people. Grief has blinded you, impaired your judgement and robbed you of your wisdom.”

  Ahadi and the lionesses left. Someone had to break the news to Sarabi and Elanna. Ahadi knew that Sarabi and Elanna belonged with him, and he knew he was the one that must speak the awful words. “Aiheu abamami, ” he stammered. “Please God, give me strength.”


  Muffy and Taka are six moons older. Their cubhood spots were long gone, and they had grown in size and agility. It was time for them to learn some important lessons about defending a kingdom.

  In their cubhood games, they had built up a repertoire of reflexes and moves that would serve them well as adults. But there were moves reserved for serious combat, moves they would need to defend the Pride Lands from intruders and rivals. Though Ahadi tried to put some fun into learning, this was no game.

  Ahadi knew too well that a lion should know his strengths and his weaknesses. With Mufasa, Ahadi saw strength and endurance. For this reason, Mufasa easily mastered the forward thrust his father taught him, coming up on his hind legs and pushing out and in with his massive forepaws. Taka was small but quick, and his father taught him the haunch seize first off, instructing him to dip low to bite the back leg and throw his opponent over. But of course there were defenses against these attacks, and they had to learn them too. A lion with only one strategy will never be king for very long.

  Yolanda, who was quite a powerful lioness, helped Ahadi with his demonstrations. It looked much more violent in actual practice than it had in teaching. Mufasa and Taka watched spellbound and horrified as Yolanda and Ahadi went at it hammer and tongs. They didn’t growl or roar, but even in their dignity the raw power of aggressive fighting was all too clear. Of course, Ahadi and Yolanda were careful not to really hurt each other. They retracted their claws and did not bite down har
d, but they used a great deal of strength, and the smell of sweat was on the air.

  Sarabi ambled over by Mufasa, trying to look casual. “Be careful with him Muffy, ” she whispered. “You know you’re stronger. You don’t have to prove anything by hurting him.”

  “Don’t worry, Sassie. He’s my brother.”

  “Then you’ll try not to make him look too bad?”

  He smiled. “You really like him, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” She gave him a quick tongue touch to the cheek. “Thank you, Muffy. You’re a real sweetheart.”

  “Not to mention a real hunk, ” Elanna said, flirting.

  Winded, Ahadi and Yolanda finally stopped. Ahadi pushed his mane out of his eyes and said, “Of course (pant), you realize (pant) that there would have (pant) been a winner (pant) and a loser if this (pant) had been real.”

  Yolanda nuzzled him. “Incosi (pant), I touch your mane.”

  “I (pant) feel it.” Ahadi took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “OK, my sons. You try it.”

  The two brothers stood up and faced each other. Taka took a deep breath and began circling Mufasa slowly. His head bobbed, weaving an irregular pattern as he looked for an opening.

  Mufasa lowered his forequarters and shifted around, keeping the bulk of his body facing Taka. The speed with which Taka could dart in and grab a haunch was frightening, and he dared not expose his vulnerable back legs.

  Taka frowned. “Fine then, ” he thought. He resumed circling, pacing himself, his breath going in and out rhythmically. Then he took a short, quick breath.

  Muffy read the signs correctly and jumped back just in time. Taka pounced on empty grassland, his paws scrabbling for purchase.

  Ahadi nodded gravely but said nothing.

  Looking around, Taka saw Muffy smiling at him tauntingly. Baring his teeth angry, he began flailing at his brother wildly. Startled, Muffy methodically countered one blow after another, blocking Taka’s sweeps with his forepaws. With a guttural moan, Taka felt panic set in as he realized he was probably going to lose--again. He glanced at Sarabi, trying to read her expression.

  That moment was all Muffy needed. He cuffed Taka hard enough to tip him off balance. Before Taka could draw in another breath, Muffy’s heavy weight was bearing down on his chest, pinning him to the ground. “Say uncle! ”

  “No! ” he gasped, fighting for air as he struggled futilely. Muffy was too strong for him.

  Taka struggled hard, but Muffy was too strong for him.

  “Say uncle! ”

  “No! ”

  Taka could not bear to be humiliated like this, not in front of Sarabi! He saw Muffy’s leg within reach of his jaws.

  “Say uncle! ”

  “I--said--NO! ” His teeth buried themselves in Muffy’s leg. As Mufasa jumped up, bellowing in pain, Taka darted out from under him and came out swinging with all of his might. A forepaw struck Mufasa under the chin, making his teeth click together painfully.

  “Cut it out, Taka! ” Mufasa backed away, his forehead furrowed in anger. “Don’t make me get rough with you.”

  “Give me your best shot, ” Taka whispers arrogantly. “I know you’re being careful with me. After all, you’re a real sweetheart.”

  “And you’re a real fool.” His eyes narrowed. He closed with Taka, grappling. Taka swung at his legs, trying to hook them out from under, but Muffy blocked the move quickly. Circling again, Taka slid in and tried at another angle, only to meet the same result. Fear crept in as he felt his strength waning. In desperation, he cheated again, going for a leg hold with teeth bared.

  “No! ” Mufasa struck at him claws-out with all his might. Taka went sprawling to the ground. “Try that again and I’ll knock your fool head off! ”

  Taka wobbled to his feet, took a couple of unsteady steps, and sat down again. He rubbed his face with a paw.

  Sarabi wanted to rush over and comfort him, but she knew better. It would make a bad situation worse.

  Muffy saw the look on Sarabi’s face and thought about the promise. He looked at Taka and saw the dazed expression on his face. “Taka, are you OK?”

  “I’ll live.” He rose unsteadily and shook his head.

  Ahadi sniffed of the cut on Muffy's leg. He looked over at Taka and frowned. “Some wrestling match.”

  “He cheated, ” Elanna said. “I saw him do it twice.”

  Ignoring them, Taka paced away slowly, wincing at the throbbing in his cheek where Mufasa's powerful forepaw had struck him. He whacked at small stones with his powerful paw, muttering words his mother did not teach him under his breath.

  Wending his way around the face of Pride Rock, he lay down in his favorite resting place, on a ledge under a jutting overhang of granite which shaded him nicely. With some trepidation, he raised a paw to his face and touched it gingerly. Bringing his forepaw before him, he was relieved to find no trace of blood.


  He glanced over to see Sarabi gracefully make her way onto the ledge with him. He smiled listlessly. "Hey, Sassie."

  She padded up to him, glaring. "Don't 'Hey, Sassie, ' me. What did you think you were doing?! "

  His smile vanished quickly. "What are you talking about?"

  "Were you trying to kill yourself? Let me see your face." She started to examine the swollen cheek under his scarred left eye, but he jerked away.

  "Don't worry about me. I would've won that stupid fight if he hadn't cheated."

  Her eyebrows lifted. "He cheated? Taka, you bit his leg! I'm surprised he didn't knock your fool head off! "

  He narrowed his eyes, glaring at her. "Yes, I appreciate the support, Sarabi." He added mockingly, "Oh, Muffy, take it easy on him, he's not strong like you are." He spat. "I don't want him to LET me win, I want to BEAT him! Just once, I'd like to be better at something! "

  “But you are better at something, ” she said. "I don't want to see you get hurt, that's all." Her voice wavered as she fought back tears. "I'm sorry if my love is getting in the way of that tiff with your brother." She turned and headed away.

  Taka froze. "Sassie, wait! " He watched as her form continued away down the path. "Oh, God, it's happening! " he cried.

  He ran after her, got out ahead and blocked her path. Sarabi stopped, startled.

  “I’m sorry! Please, I’m sorry! ” He began to beg, pleading desperately. Falling on his back, he pawed at her. “I love you! Please don’t leave me, Sassie! ”

  She saw the sheer terror in his eyes, and felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She forgot her anger.

  “I had to try and win, ” he stammered. “If I lost all the time, you might not love me anymore. I’m a loser, Sassie. Not that I don’t try.”

  “Is your head full of dead grass?” Sarabi took her paw and held up Taka’s chin so that he looked her in the eyes. “I love you because you’re sweet and clever and very cute. That won’t change because Muffy beats you at wrestling.” She kissed him with her warm tongue and nuzzled him. “I am a little disappointed that you cheated, though. I’ve always thought you were above that.”

  “Oh.” He didn’t know whether he liked that remark, but he loved her. Kissing her cheek, he said, “I’ll love you till the day I die. Longer, even. They will see two stars side by side and know it is us.” Without shame, his eyes filled with tears. “My love must be stronger than fate itself if it’s to survive. My body may be weak, but Sassie, my heart is strong.”

  "Taka, it’s that prophesy again. I can tell it. When will you learn to trust me?” She stroked his face with a paw.

  "I believe your goodness is so strong that you can beat this thing, but you heard the rest. ‘He who is first to touch you shall beget your doom.'" He looked down. "Muffy was the first one to touch me. He's going to kill me, Sassie."

  “That’s foolish. He loves you! ”

  "You knew he was too strong for me. We're gonna get in a fight one day, and he's going to lose his cool and kill me." He turned his gaze to the vast savanna which stretched be
fore them.

  Sarabi was horrified. "Stop talking like that, you're scaring me! " Moving close to him, she nuzzled his head gently. "Taka, maybe your head IS full of dead grass. Muffy loves you. He needs you. He’s your brother. Rafiki was wrong--even Makedde said so."

  Taka half smiled. “Yeah, he did, didn’t he! You really think we can beat this thing? The three of us?"

  She kissed his cheek gently. "Of course." She rose, switching her tail. "You stay here and rest, Taka. I'll be back in a minute."

  "Okay." He lay his head on his forepaws slowly and shut his eyes.

  Sarabi hurried down the path to where it joined the promontory at the front of Pride Rock. Padding across its smooth surface, she entered the cool recesses of the main cave. As her eyes adjusted, she saw Mufasa sitting nearby, licking his wound gingerly.

  "Muffy, I must talk to you."

  "Sure." He smiled at her.

  "It's about Taka."

  His face fell. "Hey, I tried to go easy on him, but when he bit me, I saw red.”

  “I know, and I’m not upset with you.”

  She sighed. “It’s that prophesy again.”

  “You two had another fight?”

  “No. Well, yes, but that’s beside the point.” She sighed again. “Don’t be upset, Muffy, but you know that business about the one that touched him first bringing about his doom?”

  “Yes. But....” Mufasa’s eyes broadened. “Oh gods, don’t tell me he thinks I’m going to whack him??”

  She looked at him closely. "You wouldn’t, would you? Promise?"

  "For gods’ sake! " He blinked at her, surprised. “Of course I promise! He’s my brother! ” He shook his head. “What AM I going to do with him, Sassie?”

  "Tell him. He needs to hear it from you more than anyone else."

  Nodding, he started away.

  Poor Mufasa wanted to ask his parents for help, but the whole thing embarrased him too badly. He resigned himself to handling Taka “the usual way, ” which meant humoring his moods, no matter how ridiculous they are, and being careful to remind him that he’s loved.