Under the Acacias cotpl-4 Page 15
“Over so soon? You’re a genius, Rafiki! How did you do it?”
Seeing that Makaka did not understand, Rafiki said, “It’s over. Over for good.”
“Over?” Makaka pushed past him and ran into the cave. “Mother? Mother??”
In the dark, he encountered Uzuri’s still warm body. Instinctively he knew the truth. “Oh Gods!” He fell on her body, stroking her neck and kissing her still face. “Mother! Oh Gods! Don’t leave me! Come back, Mother! Don’t leave me!”
Makaka felt the familiar hand of Rafiki on his shoulder. “Son, it was her time. She lived a long life. She was happy. She was loved. You should remember the good she did and be glad.”
Makaka looked around at him in the dark. “How can you say that like it was nothing? I thought you loved her as much as I did! I thought she was your friend!”
Rafiki looked at him, a soft smile on his face and a light in his eyes that made his plain face absolutely beautiful. “Maybe I know something that you don’t. Maybe your mother isn’t out there somewhere.” He patted his chest. “Maybe she’s right in here.”
Tears flooded Makaka’s eyes and he took the frail mandrill in his arms. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
“I know.”
“I have a father too. I love him and I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings.”
“You keep talking like that and I WILL cry.” Rafiki kissed him on the cheek. “I must go now, Makaka my son. You stay here with your mother and pray over her, then you get Misha and Swala to help you move her. You’ll also want them to tell the pride sisters and the King.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going on a journey. I had to delay it because of Uzuri, but now I can’t wait any longer. Take care of yourself, my son. You’re in charge till I get back. That might be a very long time.”
Rafiki left the cave without looking back. He didn’t want Makaka to know it was the last time they would meet in this world.
Anasa was waiting for him. “Does he know yet?”
“No. And just you remember what we discussed.” Rafiki kissed her cheek. “Wait until the next full moon, then tell him that Zazu found me by Elephant Kopje.”
She ran her fingertips around Rafiki’s eye and touched him beneath the chin. “Aiheu abamami.”
“Aiheu abamami,” he said, taking her hand and kissing it. “No tears now. You must be strong for his sake. Watch over him for me. And remember, not a word.” Rafiki took the locket of Mano’s fur and placed it around her neck. “Give this to him later. I won’t need it where I’m going.”
The old mandrill took up his staff and turned toward the east. He looked ahead, not at the trees or even the horizon, but beyond the sun and moon where Minshasa waited for him.
Come gentle night, stealing through the rushes;
The sun is sinking lower in the sky,
Stars wink in amid the azure heavens
And I can feel that God is very nigh.
My path grows short, home is drawing nearer;
Soon I will be laying down to rest.
Do not mourn, for it is Aiheu calling
And I will find a place among the blessed.
This original copyrighted work is based on Walt Disney's feature film, "The Lion King." Elements taken directly from “The Lion King” are the property of The Walt Disney Company. "Under the Broad Acacias" is distributed free of charge excepting reasonable distribution costs. Quoting passages from our work, writing original pieces based on our work, or using characters we created is fine as long as you secure prior approval. That begins by sending either of us a copy of the work.
Our e-mail addresses are:
John H. Burkitt: john.burkitt@nashville.com
David A. Morris:damorris@wilmington.net
Your comments on our work, pro and con, are always welcome.
This story is a fictional work, but we don’t claim that any resemblance to any characters living or dead is purely coincidental. With love and respect, we acknowledge the debt we owe to those who taught us how to laugh and cry. Without acting as clear models for any one character, many great souls, some non-human, have been woven deeply into the fabric of our lives only to end up in “Under the Acacias.”
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Document ID: ed32dbcc-1dc4-45de-bf6e-1903cfe3482f
Document version: 1
Document creation date: 2005-11-21
Created using: doc2fb, FBTools software
OCR Source: The Lion King in Russia, http://www.lionking.ru/
Document authors :
Nina (El)
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