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  Umande came to him. “Your real father is dead.”

  Mabatu answered, "I knew. Somehow, I always knew." He looked at the body, pained. “Why couldn’t he tell me?”

  “He promised to keep silent for your sake. When my father was very young, he was separated from his sister.” Umande sighed, looking at her dead father and stroking his mane with her paw. “Dad and his brother grew up and eventually ruled the Pride Lands together.

  “Then one day a rogue lioness came in wanting refuge. Her name was Kako, and eventually she and my father fell in love and pledged to each other. Between them, they raised many cubs. Most of them were female and lived, but the two males they had were born dead. Then your mother became pregnant with you. She left your father soon afterwards.”

  But if they were so much in love, why did Mom leave him?”

  “To save your life.” Umande pawed him. “Your father wanted to know why none of his sons lived. So he asked a shaman for help and found out to his horror that Kako was his own sister.”

  Baba gasped. “Oh my gods!”

  “The shaman said if Kako would forsake my father and if they would hide the truth from you, that you would be spared. Few parents have ever shown such love to their child as you have been shown.” Tears filled her eyes. “Do you remember the day I tried to make love to you?”

  “How could I forget?”

  “I found out that evening that I was your sister.” She touched his mane with her paw. “His pain had become mine. I’ve never loved another lion but you, and I never will.” She wept softly and bowed her head in shame.

  “Oh honey tree!” He kissed away his tears. “I’m so sorry!”

  “Don’t be sorry,” she said. “For some odd reason, I feel much better now. No more vows of silence, but I hope you won’t breathe a word about--you know--US--to Isha? She looks like the jealous type.”

  Baba nodded. He stroked Mabatu’s mane with his paw. “I was going to say it made no difference if you were my real father or not. But you know, Dad, I don’t think I’ve ever been as proud of being your son as I am right now. I love you.”



  This original copyrighted work is based on Walt Disney's feature film, "The Lion King." Elements taken directly from “The Lion King” are the property of The Walt Disney Company. "The Promise" is distributed free of charge excepting reasonable distribution costs. Quoting passages from our work, writing original pieces based on our work, or using characters we created is fine as long as you secure prior approval. That begins by sending either of us a copy of the work. Our e-mail addresses are:

  David A.

  John H. Burkitt:

  Your comments on our work, pro and con, are always welcome. We have been asked about our legal note. This is our official response: “The copyright is maintained solely to prevent patently vulgar or lewd misuse of our characters. Most any work, including parodies would be fine as long as it meets certain reasonably broad standards of decency. We reserve the right as copyright holders to define and change those standards. None of these standards is meant to force the applicant to be consistent with the literary style or plot of the original work.”

  The character Isha is the property of Brian Tiemann. Used with permission.

  This story is a fictional work, but we don’t claim that any resemblance to any characters living or dead is purely coincidental. With love and respect, we acknowledge the debt we owe to those who taught us how to laugh and cry. Without acting as clear models for any one character, many great souls, some non-human, have been woven deeply into the fabric of our lives only to end up in “The Promise.”

  FB2 document info

  Document ID: 49beddb1-0776-4f56-b796-d2d34197ee25

  Document version: 1

  Document creation date: 2005-11-21

  Created using: doc2fb, FBTools software

  OCR Source: The Lion King in Russia,

  Document authors :

  Nina (El)


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